Welcome to Manchester LETS

Welcome to the Central Hub for LETS in Manchester

You've heard about it, you've read about it, and now you've arrived in the right place to join LETS in Manchester. LETS are Local Exchange Trading Schemes, in which friendship networks create value by exchanging goods and services, using a complementary currency. In Manchester the name of our currency is "Bobbins".

You can use this website to (i) find out about Events, (ii) create a personal Profile, (iii) post your Offers and Wants (iv) peruse the Directory, (v) contact other Members to arrange Trades (vi) send Invoices, (vii) make Payments, (viii) tithe into Funds, (ix) Build your own mini-network (x) provide Feedback, (xi) take part in Planning Meetings, and (xii) Help to run the Scheme. Learn More

If you sometimes need a helping hand, and enjoy organising, sharing your skills, learning something new, or just meeting people - welcome, do join our network !